Press Release August 2007

EKLATEK LLC Aerospace Consulting Engineers Introduces:


VolTAIRE Technology

Spacecraft Solar Array Health Monitor System


The AIAA has publicly released a standard pertaining to Spacecraft Electrical Power Systems - namely S-122-2007 through the AIAA website (


Paragraph of this standard requires the spacecraft contractor to set-aside 0.3% of all required solar cells on the solar array to be used as "monitor" cells. These monitor cells would be used to analyze and predict the health and power generation capability of the entire array.


To meet this requirement, EKLATEK LLC ( in Phoenix, Arizona USA has developed and patented a universal modular system it calls:


VolTAIRE™ - Voltage Temperature And current (I) Readout Electronics


The system transfers temperature and I-V data acquired from as few as one to virtually any number of cells in a monitor string, then delivers this data to the spacecraft bus for downlink.


The VolTAIRE™ system requires no additional slip rings, no external power and can be mounted on the rear of a panel or on the yoke. It is intended to meet all mission environmental requirements. It is currently under development and coordination with a number of prime contractors and federal consultancies.


For further information on this product, please contact:


·  Eli Kawam, President, EKLATEK LLC at or 602-743-8754